Above is a zone map of the Chelsea area which is in the pink area. This assignment we did in year two of our degree and the purpose of it was to create a new district plan for the area for alternative land use if the factory operation was to close down.
The Chelsea site has significant local and regional value because it is located on the Waitamata Harbour and also because it has a lot of heritage and environmental value that needs to be protected.
How we approached this assignment is the land around the Waitamata Harbour has a lot of value because it has very good views and because it is close to the Central Business District. Therefore, what we proposed is to have a mixed use residential and light commercial area within the site. This would allow for an area to hold a fair amount of population since the population projection for Auckland by the year 2050 is 2million (but it could be more) and also it would allow for ferry use because there will be a population to support it allowing the whole area of Birkenhead to use it.
Strategic planning was required and we have to keep all the heritage A buildings how they are therefore they will be used for commercial use and also the tall building would be used as a viewing tower.
This assignment i believe I learnt a lot it was not easy but writing up a district plan never is easy.
Below is a link if you would like to view the group assignment and the land use proposal for the Chelsea Site if the Chelsea Sugar Factory closes down.
Enjoy... (I hope it works)
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