Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Freemans Bay Redevelopment Plan

During our first year of planning we were required to put together a report and make a model for a section in Freemans Bay which is located in Ponsonby Auckland. The purpose of this assignment was to increase the population that is living within the block of Freemans Bay due to population projection increase. We had to use what we learned throughout that semester about different housing typologies and and urban design principles and integrate them into the final report and model. We used a lot of Bentley's and Alexanders principles to create our final model.

The building of the model was very fun because the whole group got involved and we had to create the contours of the land by scale as well as they different typologies and down to the detail even the trees. We had to buy our material apart from the cardboard to make these models. Our report contain information about our redevelopment and why we chose to do it the way we did. Overall, I enjoyed this studio project it was the first time i actually made something like this and the end result was something we were all proud of. Below are photos of our proposal for the redevelopment.

Looking through a private street

Four story building

Birds Eye View of the redevelopment proposal

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